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4 More Coffee Health Benefits

Writer's picture: Ann AllansonAnn Allanson

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Yes, I know.

You've read everything there is to know about the benefits of coffee. And, coffee has been touted as "healthy" by both the Mayo Clinic and the US Gov, so it's gotten thumbs up from some major players.

It's been a hot topic in recent years.

But let's face it. The word "healthy" has been thrown around a lot, and frankly, abused. Laws about what's "healthy" and what isn't is vague, to say the least.

Manufacturers can spin a yarn and put a label on a package, and suddenly, it's healthy. But that's another story.

So bear with me while I offer up 4 more reasons to enjoy your coffee. You may actually be surprised by these!

1-Coffee in your cup is a lot like Superman and his cape. Studies show that people who drink four plus cups a day experience an 80% lower risk of cirrhosis. So coffee may actually protect your liver.

2-Coffee may actually help you live longer. We all know that. Otherwise how would your boss make it through each day unharmed? What's more, two very large studies performed over an 18-24 year period showed that drinking coffee was associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men and a 26% lower risk of death in women.

I know you would drink your coffee anyway, but hey, go ahead and raise your coffee mug to longer life. 3-Coffee can help you burn fat. Yep. That cup of Joe can help you burn more calories if you drink it before you work out. (You do work out, right?)

That's because coffee makes you feel more energized so you have a more productive work out. Can't beat that!

4-You can receive essential nutrients from your coffee. It's good to know that this is one craving that's actually packed with some vitamins and minerals: Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA. Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA. Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA. Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA. Pair your coffee with some healthy protein and I think you have a nutritional winner!

(Do remember to consult your doctor before consuming large quantities of any beverage. Every person is different so reactions to coffee will differ. That makes sense, doesn't it?) So there you have it. Four excellent reasons to keep lifting the Holy Grail to your lips everyday and say, "Ahhhh!"

Stop in for a great cup of gourmet coffee from The Coffee Cave at Jake's Convenience. You'll quickly see we're way more than a Staunton convenience store!

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