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5 Tasty Tips to Making Great Coffee at Home

Writer's picture: Ann AllansonAnn Allanson

Coffee Drinkers

Grabbing a great cup of brew at the Coffee Cave is always a great option when you're in a hurry or on the go.

But when you're at home, you want to make the same fine Staunton gourmet coffee as the Cave.

The good news is you don't have to have a commercial coffee grinder or coffeemaker to get the same quality of coffee.

Here are our 5 tasty tips for creating a gourmet coffee experience at home.

1. Start with Whole Beans

Great coffee is fresh coffee! That's why for really flavorful coffee, use whole beans. Store those beans in an opaque, air tight container away from sunlight, and at room temperature, preferably a bit cooler.

For example, don't store them near the oven, which gets warm. And don't store them on a counter that gets a lot of sun.

To keep those beans fresh, keep them in a dark place that leans to the cool side.

2. Choose Top Quality Beans

Well, you knew that was a given, right? There's no way you're going to have a gourmet cup of coffee with inferior beans!

That's why you should always look for Arabica coffee beans. These are higher quality and are more flavorful. Here at the Coffee Cave, that's all we buy.

3. Water Quality

This is another biggie. If you're using tap water, which is full of chemicals, it's going to reflect in the taste of your coffee.

If you want coffee that's really extraordinary, consider driving to Fort Defiance. There you'll find Seawright Springs. It's some of the purest water in the world!

The spring itself dates back about 2,000 years. Bring a gallon jug or two and fill up. At $.25 per gallon, you simply can't go wrong. And it's the honor system for paying. So pay it forward.

We're extremely lucky to be able to get this kind of pure water locally. If, however, you don't want to make the effort, then consider bottled water. Anything is better than tap!

4. Measure Consistently

You might say you like strong coffee when really what you mean is you like a smokey, or dark chocolate full-flavored coffee, or even a spicy flavor.

Strong coffee is simply how much water you add to the mix. If you really do want stronger coffee, add an extra spoonful of grounds. Brewing it longer will simply make the coffee bitter.

The magic ratio for brewing primo coffee is 60 grams of coffee (2.1 oz) per liter of water. Use scales to get it right each and every time.

5. Steal Brewing Tips from Pros!

There are a lot of great tips on brewing a great cup of joe. Find them ad use them. Your tastebuds will thank you. Below, CNet offers their own 5 tips and tricks for brewing great coffee!

For a gourmet cup of coffee here in Staunton, get it at the Coffee Cave. We brew a fresh pot every 90 minutes! Gourmet coffee by the cup or by the pound.

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